Friday, April 30, 2021

365 days Full Movie Downloads 720p English with subtitles

 365 Days Short review with Download link

365 Days

365 Days is a drama romantic movie released in February 2020. The IMDB rating for this movie is 7.1  It is 1hours 56 minutes long. The director of this movie is Barbara Bialowas, Tomas  Mandes. This movie is made in Polish, Italian language at first. The screenplay of this movie are Blanka Lipinska, Barbara Bialowas, Tomasz Mandes, Tomasz Klimala. The main song of this movie is "it's hard for me, feel it".

365 Days

In the movie, a girl named Laura, in order to save her relationship from falling apart, goes to Sicily, where she meets Massimo who was a dangerous man. The man was gangsters and was a boss. His father was killed in a gang fight. The man sees the girl in the airport. The man calls the girl a baby girl. The man gives 365 days to the girl to fall in love with him. At the end of the movie, the girl falls in love with him. The dangerous man was involved in illegal activities and he was the head of the mafia family. He kidnapped that baby girl and gives her 365 days to fall in love with him. This movie is fully romantic. We should not watch this movie with our family.

365 days

If you want to download this movie, download this movie from this link below :


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Top 10 ways of making money online 2021 which is most popular.

Make Money Online

 There are different ways to make money Online in this world. Income is needed for every person in this world to run their life beautifully. There are two types of income. They are :

1. Active Income

-Here you only get paid for work you do.

-If you do not work you don't make money.

2.Passive Income

-Put in the work once and the money in theory should keep rolling in.

Now, let's Discuss the online money making ways in our free time.


This is a popular way of making money online. There are different works that we can find in Upwork such as video editing, photo editing, data entry, coding, graphics design, article writing and many more. For this, you should be good at something. There are many peoples like you to do that works. So you should make your good profile and your communication skills should be very strong. Hence, you can get a job and make money online.
The link for this website is ->

Youtube is the most popular online platform for making money. The main task you have to do is make a beautiful video without copying from others and upload it on youtube. Before starting to earn money you should pass some criteria of youtube. That is you need to reach 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers in 12 months.  More views you get, the more money you can expect.

3. Amazon
There are mainly three ways to make money online from amazon. They are:
-Amazonmaturk :> IT is like Upwork.
-Amazon Kindle Publishing :>It is about ebook on amazon.
-Amazon Associates Program

4. Click Bank

  Shutterstock is about collecting good photos and working with them.

7. Rover
Rover is a website which deals with the animals like dogs. This is now only available in the USA and Canada. This site main mainly for dogs. You have to watch someone's dogs make money.

8. Takelessons
We know every one has some skills that they can teach. From this website you have to teach website visitors that you know. For exapmle you may sing, share dancing video and teach others. Teach language , how to cook, Improve acting , test preparation, Play guitar, Film Acting, Theatrical Dance and many more and start making money online.

9.Fiveer . com
It is a small freelance website where you can outsource any thing.  You can do many task like logo design , photo editing, video editing, SEO etc.

10. Dropshipping

It is a ecommerce platform made for making money. Here you have work like a broker or  a middle man. The basic principle of Dropshipping is you create a store or any channel from where people buy products from you. When the buyer pays to you , you pay it to manufacturer. The main benifits of dropshipping is you can make the price of product as you like and return some amount to manufacturer and make some money.

Use the 10 ways to make money. For this youoe have to make more research in these platforms

The lost City of Z || Hollywood movie 2016 || free download 480p with subtitles || English + Hindi dubbed

The Lost City of Z, Hollywood Movie With Language English and with Subtitles.
The Lost City of Z

The lost city of Z is a popular movie released in 2016 AD. It is an American biographical movie. It is a true-life drama in the 1920's, centring on British explorer col. Percy Fawcett discovered evidence of a previously unknown, advanced civilization in the Amazon. The movie is made with a budget of $30 million. This movie has collected $19.3 million on the Box office. Its IMDB rating is 6.6. The movie is directed by James Gray And the story is written by David Grann. The producers of this movie are James Gray, Jeremy, Kleiner, Dede Gardner, Anthony Katagas and Johnson.

The lost city of Z

 In this movie, the character is trying to find the city in the Amazon jungle. On his way, he gets many troubles like lack of food, trouble on the path he walks, deadly animals, deadly local peoples in the jungle. He also carries some milk powder with him as his food. The movie starts from the cork Ireland 1905, British Army Barracks. This Movie has shown the difficulty that the character has got to find the lost city. From the movie we also can get knowledge of how big is Amazone forest and what kinds of difficulties are there. Similarly, we can know that what kind of peoples are living in the forest their customs, their food, their works. This movie is best for the person who loves adventure movie. From here you can download this movie. The movie link is given below. 

The lost City of Z

                                                                          DOWNLOAD MOVIE

The English Subtitle of this movie is :
                                                                 DOWNLOAD MOVIE SUBTITLE

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

दिल्लीमा कोविड परीक्षण ड्रप, प्रयोगशालाहरूले भने कि उनीहरूसँग पर्याप्त कर्मचारी, कुशल टेक्निशियन छैन |

नयाँ दिल्ली: दिल्ली एक घातक दोस्रो छालको बिचमा झेलिरहेको छ र गत पखवातीदेखि कोविडका घटनाहरूमा ठूलो वृद्धि देखिएको छ। यद्यपि, विगत चार दिनमा दुबै केस र परीक्षण राष्ट्रिय राजधानीमा गिरावट आएको छ। थुप्रै डाईग्नोस्टिक्स ल्याब थेपिनपाटले जनशक्तिको अभाव, कर्मचारी बीचको संक्रमण र मुद्दाको ब्याकलगलाई परीक्षण संख्यामा गिरावट आएको कारण भने।
“हामी सँग पर्याप्त किटहरू, पर्याप्त मेशिनहरू छन् तर नमूनाहरू सकलन गर्न र यी मेशिनहरूमा काम गर्न सक्ने जनशक्ति कहाँ छ ? डाटा अपडेट गर्नु पनि गाह्रो प्रक्रिया हो जसमा समय लाग्छ र प्रयोगशालाहरू अब थोरै नमूना लिन बाध्य छन् किनकि डेटा २ 24 घण्टामा अपडेट गरिएको छैन भने हामीले कारबाहीको सामना गर्नुपर्दछ, ”जेनेस्ट्रिंग डायग्नोस्टिक सेन्टर प्राइवेट लिमिटेडका डा। गौरी अग्रवालले भने।

नतिजाको एक ब्याकलग छ र त्यहाँ नमूनाहरू संकलन गर्न कम व्यक्तिहरू छन् किनकि हाम्रा जनशक्ति धेरै स्टाफ सदस्यहरू संक्रमित भएकोले प्रभावित भएको छ,” स्टार इमेजिंग र पथ प्रयोगशाला प्राइवेट लिमिटेडका नाम न छाप्न चाहने अधिकारीले भने।
धेरै अधिकारीहरूले भने कि उनीहरुलाई जनशक्ति अभावको सामना गर्न नमूना सकलन रोक्नु पर्यो र अब उनीहरुलाई प्रयोगशालामा टेस्ट लिनको लागि प्रोत्साहित गरिरहेका छन।

हाम्रो सबै प्यारामेडिक कर्मचारी बिरामी परेको छ त्यसैले हामी यस हप्ता नमूनाहरू सकलन गरिरहेका छैनौं। नयाँ कर्मचारीहरू अलग्गै राख्नु भएको केही दिन पछि आउनेछन र हामी नमूना सकलन पुनः सुरु गर्नेछौं.

डा। अग्रवालले भने, "जबसम्म बिरामी स्थिर छैन वा वास्तवमा अस्वस्थ छैन हामी उनीहरूलाई प्रयोगशालामा आउन आग्रह गर्दछौं किनकि नमूनाहरू संकलन गर्न पर्याप्त व्यक्तिहरू छैनन्।" डा। अग्रवालले भने।

धेरै प्रयोगशालाहरूले पर्याप्त कुशल प्राविधिकको अभावलाई परीक्षणमा ढिलाइ भएको कारण पनि उल्लेख गरे। “यदि म बिरामी परेकालाई भर्नको लागि नयाँ कर्मचारीहरू प्रयोग गर्छु भने पनि उनीहरू के हुन्छ जब उनीहरू स्वास्थ्यमा फर्केर आउँछन्? के म तिनीहरूलाई जान दिन्छु? त्यहाँ कुशल प्राविधिकहरूको पनि अभाव छ। म कसैलाई पनि भाडामा लिन सक्दिन। मलाई प्रशिक्षित व्यक्ति चाहिएको छ र त्यत्ति धेरै छैन, ”दिल्लीको एक प्रमुख निजी प्रयोगशालामा एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारीले नाम न छाप्न सर्तमा भने। प्रिन्टि डा। नूतन मुंडेजा, महानिदेशक स्वास्थ्य सेवा, दिल्ली सरकारलाई फोन र ईमेल मार्फत टिप्पणीको लागि पुगेको थियो तर यो प्रतिवेदन प्रकाशित नभएसम्म प्रतिक्रिया प्राप्त भएन।

Saturday, March 27, 2021

THE SUCIDE SQUAD 2 -Releasing Date - John Cena on the movie and playing MF DOOM

 The Suicide Squad 2 has outed its trailer on March 26, 2021. This movie is directed by James Gunn. This movie is releasing on August 6 on HBO Max and  Theaters. The costumes in the movie are awesome. 

The Suicide Squad - 2, John Cena

Director James Gunn has much expected in this movie. He has shared the poster of this movie on his Twitter account. Idris Alba is only accepting this role in the movie because all we have to die at last. We are all gonna die at last.  The Suicide Squad 2 is trying to prove what the suicide Squad is supposed to be. I can go back inside and you can still do it is a great dialog by the queen in the movie. King Shark is one of the favorite characters of all viewers in this movie. Every trailer viewer is saying that "This man (Director -James Gunn) has fixed all characters so well in this movie. The movie is like a comic book movie. And lastly, poison lvy is not in the movie." We all hope this movie will do great in the Theater. Rick Flag seems completely dead inside in every scene.

Cast :

  1. John Cena
  2. Pete Davidson
  3. Margot Robbie
  4. Jared Leto and many more.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Tumbbad full movie download and online watch with short stories

 Tumbbad is one of the best horror-type movie of 2018. In the movie, Tumbbad is a name of a place. This movie is directed by Rahi Anil Barve. This is a movie without songs. In this movie, there are two sons with their mother. The grandmother of these boys lives in a black room and food was given to her from outside. When the grandmother wakes up, there is difficult to fall asleep again. There was a trick to make her sleep and that is the sentence "so ja barna hastar aajayaga" . In this movie, one son died by falling from the tree. And his mother takes her far from the tumbad.

Many people are in the search of this movie on the internet but it is not available. It is only available on the torrent which is very hard to download. This movie is more interesting than others. Here gold is taken from the son of the goddess. At the end of the movie, the father dies and the son remains alone. This movie is also a part of the inspiration for a boy. I a boy tries what he can not do. In the movie the son becomes quicker to take gold than his father. By seeing this his father becomes so happy with his son.

To download this movie follow the link below.

Tumbbad full movie