Sunday, March 29, 2020

Disinfection Procedures for COVID-19 Isolation Ward Area

Disinfection Procedures for COVID-19 Isolation Ward Area

2.1 Disinfection for Floor and Walls
 (1) Visible pollutants shall be completely removed before disinfection and handled in accordance with disposal procedures of blood and bodily fluid spills;
(2) Disinfect the floor and walls with 1000 mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant through floor mopping, spraying or wiping;
(3) Make sure that disinfection is conducted for at least 30 minutes;
(4) Carry out disinfection three times a day and repeat the procedure at any time when there is contamination.

2.2 Disinfection of Object Surfaces
(1) Visible pollutants should be completely removed before disinfection and handled in accordance with disposal procedures of blood and bodily fluid spills;
(2) Wipe the surfaces of objects with 1000 mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant or wipes with effective chlorine; wait for 30 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Perform disinfection procedure three times a day (repeat at any time when contamination is suspected);
(3) Wipe cleaner regions first, then more contaminated regions: first wipe the object surfaces that are not frequently touched, and then wipe the object surfaces that are frequently touched. (Once an object surface is wiped clean, replace the used wipe with a new one).

2.3 Air Disinfection 
(1) Plasma air sterilizers can be used and continuously run for air disinfection in an environment with human activity;
(2) If there is no plasma air sterilizers, use ultraviolet lamps for 1 hour each time. Perform this operation three times a day.

2.4 Disposal of Fecal Matter and Sewage
(1) Before being discharged into the municipal drainage system, fecal matter and sewage must be disinfected by treating with chlorine-containing disinfectant (for the initial treatment, the active chlorine must be more than 40 mg/L). Make sure the disinfection time is at least 1.5 hours;
(2)The concentration of total residual chlorine in the disinfected sewage should reach 10 mg/L.

More About Helath

Prevention and Control Management COVID-19 

One Prevention and Control Management COVID-19

Isolation Area Management

Isolation Area Management for COVID-19

Fever Clinic 

1.1 Clinic Layout
(1) Healthcare facilities shall set up a relatively independent fever clinic including an exclusive one-way passage at the entrance of the hospital with a visible sign;
(2) The movement of people shall follow the principle of “three zones and two passages”: a contaminated zone, a potentially contaminated zone and a clean zone provided and clearly demarcated, and two buffer zones between the contaminated zone and the potentially contaminated zone;
(3) An independent passage shall be equipped for contaminated items; set up a visual region for one-way delivery of items from an office area (potentially contaminated zone) to an isolation ward (contaminated zone);
(4) Appropriate procedures shall be standardized for medical personnel to put on and take off their protective equipment. Make flowcharts of different zones, provide full-length mirrors and observe the walking routes strictly;
(5) Infection prevention and control technicians shall be assigned to supervise the medical personnel on putting on and removing protective equipment so as to prevent contamination;
(6) All items in the contaminated zone that have not been disinfected shall not be removed.

1.2 Zone Arrangement
(1) Set up an independent examination room, a laboratory, an observation room, and a resuscitation room
(2) Set up a pre-examination and triage area to perform preliminary screening of patients
(3) Separate diagnosis and treatment zones: those patients with an epidemiological history and fever and/or respiratory symptoms shall be guided into a suspected COVID-19 patient zone; those patients with regular fever but no clear epidemiological history shall be guided into a regular fever patient zone.

1.3 Patient Management
 (1) Patients with fevers must wear medical surgical masks.
(2) Only patients are allowed to enter the waiting area in order to avoid overcrowding.
(3) The duration of the patient’s visit shall be minimized so as to avoid cross infections
(4) Educate patients and their families about early identification of symptoms and essential preventative actions

1.4 Screening, Admission and Exclusion
(1) All healthcare workers shall fully understand the epidemiological and clinical features of COVID-19.
(2) Nucleic acid testing (NAT) shall be conducted on those patients who meet the screening criteria for suspected patients.
(3) Patients who do not meet the screening criteria above, if they do not have a confirmed epidemiological history, but cannot be ruled out from having COVID-19 based on their symptoms, especially through imaging, are recommended for further evaluation and to obtain a comprehensive diagnosis.
(4) Any patient who tests negative shall be re-tested 24 hours later. If a patient has two negative NAT results and negative clinical manifestations, then he or she can be ruled out from having COVID-19 and discharged from the hospital. If those patients cannot be ruled out from having COVID-19 infections based on their clinical manifestations, they shall be subjected to additional NAT tests every 24 hours until they are excluded or confirmed.
(5) Those confirmed cases with a positive NAT result shall be admitted and treated collectively based on the severity of their conditions (the general isolation ward or isolated ICU).

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Prabhu Kanda and Earphone Kanda


Prabhu Kanda 

Earphone Kanda PART-1

Earphone kanda is viral Nepali kand that gets viral when one Nepali girl post above status in facebook group Women Warrior Nepal which is going viral on social media.


Earphone Kanda PART-2



Gems kanda was a scandal which gone viral on  Facebook. Gems kand video is the video of boy and girl of Gems Higher Secondary school. This viral Nepali kanda video of gems school is known as viral gems kanda.

Lion Drinking Water

Viral cousin kanda video

Recent in Nepal there are number kand videos.Nowadays Nepali Kand video get leaked one after another. After Trinity kanda Gems kanda,KMC kanda,Fitkiri kanda ,Earphone Kanda,CCRC Kanda and chitwan nurse Kanda . Nowdays one kanda is viral on social media although it is Arabic Kanda it is going viral viral that is known as cousin kanda.

Japan Kanda

Japan Kanda

Japan kand video is the latest nepali kanda which is going viral on all social media platforms. Japan kand video is the video of one nepali boy and girls who are working in Japan.  This nepali 19 minutes viral video of japan kand is known as viral japan kand video.    

Nepali Funny Joke

Nepali 18+ Jokes .

 Train ma ik husband aafno wife sanga:
timi sanga shadi garer pachhutai raheko chhun
mutu garchha timilaiy kukur ko aghi rakhi dun
samnne bala passenger : wao wao wao wao!!!

Child: papa aunty lai pet kin polchha ?
Father: timilaiy sub thaha chha !
Child: thaha chain, promise!
Father: unko pait ma paani bhariyeko chha
CHILD: Oh No! Bacha tab ta doobne chha!

 girlfriend boyfriend funny jokes in hindi+nepali language
A boy on a date in a BMW CAR.
Boy, “Mae timilai ek kura chupai chhu.”
Girl, “Kya?”
Boy, “I m already married.”
Girl, “Timile ta darai diyeko thiyo, ma samjhi ke yo red colour ko BMW timro chhain.”

C Programming Code Hangman Game

C programming is the basic for all learners. After a student study about c programming . He may be in the search of project using c programming. Here , today i present you a small project using c programming only. HANGMAN is a small game where a user have to guess a letter of the word. There are some rules in the which you can find during the time of programming running.

#. Hangman C Programming Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int a,z,b;
char game_started(char SECRET_WORD[])
    printf("Game Started...\n\n");
    printf("Loading word list from file...\n    %d words loaded...\n\nI'm thinking a word that is %d letter long.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", 55900, strlen(SECRET_WORD));

    return '1';

int ALPHABET (char letter)
    if (letter >= 'a' && letter <= 'z')
        return 1;
        return 0;

int GUESSED_BEFORE(char letter, char LETTERS_GUESSED[])
    for (a = 0; a < strlen(LETTERS_GUESSED); a++)
        if (letter == LETTERS_GUESSED[a])
            return 1;
    return 0;

int EXIST_IN_SECRETWORD(char letter, char SECRET_WORD[])
    for(a = 0; a < strlen(SECRET_WORD); a++)
        if (letter == SECRET_WORD[a])
        return 1;
    return 0;

int IS_VOWEL(char letter)
    if (letter == 'a' ||letter == 'e' ||letter == 'i' ||letter == 'o' ||letter == 'u')
        return 1;
        return 0;

void letters_available(char LETTERS_GUESSED[])
    char available_letters[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

    int count;
    for ( a = 0; a < 26; a++)
        count = 1;
        for( b = 0; b < 20; b++)
            if (available_letters[a] == LETTERS_GUESSED[b])
                count = 0;
        if (count == 1)
            printf("%c  ", available_letters[a]);


int main()

    int GAME_FINISHED = 0;

    char SECRET_WORD[] = "apple";

    for( a = 0; a < strlen(SECRET_WORD); a++)
        SECRET_WORD[a] = tolower(SECRET_WORD[a]);

    char DISPLAY[strlen(SECRET_WORD)];
    for( a = 0; a < strlen(SECRET_WORD); a++)
        DISPLAY[a] = '_';

    int LIVES = 6, WARNINGS_LEFT = 3, SCORE = 0;
    char GUESSED_LETTERS[26] = "--------------------";
    int GUESSED_COUNT = 0;
    char letter;

    GAME_IS_ON :

    printf("Lives = %d                                  Warnings Left = %d                                  Score = %d\n\n\n\n\n\n", LIVES, WARNINGS_LEFT, SCORE);
    for( a = 0; a < strlen(SECRET_WORD); a++)
        printf("%c ", DISPLAY[a]);

    printf("\n\nAVAILABLE LETTERS :\n");

    printf("\n\n\n\n\nGuess the letter...\n");

    scanf("%c", &letter);
    letter = tolower(letter);

    if (!ALPHABET(letter))
        if(WARNINGS_LEFT >= 1)
            printf("Warning! The character you entered is invalid!\nYou have %d warnings left...\n\n", WARNINGS_LEFT);
            printf("Due to no warnings left, your lives is reduced...\n\nYou have %d lives left\n\n", LIVES);
            if(WARNINGS_LEFT >= 1)
                printf("Warning! The character you entered is invalid!\nYou have %d warnings left...\n\n", WARNINGS_LEFT);
                printf("Due to no warnings left, your lives is reduced...\n\nYou have %d lives left\n\n", LIVES);
            GUESSED_LETTERS[GUESSED_COUNT] = letter;

            if (EXIST_IN_SECRETWORD(letter, SECRET_WORD))
                printf("RIGHT GUESS...\n\n");
                for ( a = 0; a < strlen(SECRET_WORD); a++)
                    if (letter == SECRET_WORD[a])
                        DISPLAY[a] = letter;

                    SCORE += 30;
                    SCORE += 20;
                printf("WRONG GUESS...\n\n");

                    LIVES -= 2;
                    SCORE += 10;
                    LIVES --;
                    SCORE -= 5;

    if (SCORE < 0)
        SCORE = 0;

    if (LIVES <= 0)
        GAME_FINISHED = 1;
        printf("Game over...\nYou have no lives left...\n\nThe word was ");
        printf("You Scored %d.\n\n\n", SCORE);


    if (strcmp(SECRET_WORD,DISPLAY) == 0)
        GAME_FINISHED = 1;
        printf("Congracts...\nYou revealed all the letters...\n\nThe word is ");
        printf("You Scored %d.\n\n\n", SCORE);

        goto GAME_IS_ON;




THE first function with which the girl will be confronted, which will impress upon her that She is a creature of sex, that She is decidedly different from the boy, is menstruation. And this function we will now proceed to study.

Mensuration Period

What is menstruation?

 "Menstruation action is a monthly discharge of blood. The word is derived from the Latin word men sis, which means a month; and menstruation is also frequently Spoken Of as the menses.  It is also called the catamenia or catamenial flow. Other terms are: the periods, courses, monthlies, turns, monthly changes, monthly sickness, Sickness, flowers, to be unwell, to be regular. “ Not to see anything is the common term for having missed the menses. This the flow of blood recurs in most cases with remarkable regu larity once a month ; not a calendar month, but on cellular month,  i e . , once every twenty- eight days. 

Where does the menstrual blood come from?

 The inside lining of the womb (what we call the mucous membrane or endometrium) becomes congested and its blood vessels become distended with blood. If the woman has sexual intercourse and pregnancy happens to take place, then this extra blood is used to nourish and develop the new child; but if no pregnancy takes place, that extra blood exudes from the blood vessels ( some Of the blood vessels rupture ) and is discharged from the uterus into the vagina, and from there to the out side, where it is caught on cotton, sanitary nap kins or some other pad. At what age does menstruation begin. The usual age at which menstruation begins in this country is thirteen or fourteen ; in some, it may occur as early as twelve, in others as late as fifteen, sixteen, or even seventeen. For menstruation to begin earlier than twelve or later than seventeen is in this country a rare exception. But in cold northern climates, the age of eighteen is not rare, and in the hot southern climates, menstruation Often starts at the ages of ten or eleven. Change of climate or of the country will often have an influence on the menses. In the early years of his medical practice, the author had
many  Finnish girls as patients. It was very a common occurrence for them to stop menstruating for the first few months or even for the first year of their residence in this country. At what age does menstruation cease. The age at which menstruation ceases is called menopause or climacteric. It usually takes place at the age of forty- eight or fifty. In some cases it does not take place until the age of fifty - two, in others it takes place as early as forty-five or forty- four. In general, it may be said that the woman’s menstruating period, ’ during which She is able to have children, lasts about thirty-five years. And if no restraint be taken, and if no precautions are taken against conception, a woman could have twenty or thirty children during her childbearing period.

How many days does a woman menstruate? 

The usual number of days is from three to five ; in some cases menstruation lasts only two days, in others as long as seven. As a rule, the greatest amount of blood passed is during the first two days. The amount of blood. It is hard to estimate the exact amount of blood passed by a woman during her menses, but it reaches about announce and a half to three announces. In some women the amount may reach as much as four or five ounces and in exceptional cases as much as eight ounces.

 Where it exceeds this mount?
It is an abnormal condition, requiring treatment. The usual statement that a normally menstruating woman should not have to use more than three napkin s during the four hours is correct.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Easy Explaination of Corono Virus COVID-19

- Kate got infected yesterday, but she won't know until 14 days later.
- Kate thinks she's healthy and is infecting 10 peoplew per day.
- These 10 peoples thinks they are OK , they travel , go out and infect 100 people.
- These 100 People infect 1000 people.

Total Number of Cases

Corona Virus Cases: 339,687

Death Cases: 14704

Recovered : 99,014

                Active Cases: 225979   Closed Case :113718

400 कतारका नेपाली घर फिर्ता ||| अफवाहहरु र नेपाल COVID-19 को तथ्यहरु

नेपालको  COVID-19 केस

सामाजिक मिडियामा कोरोनो भाइरसको बारेमा नक्कली नयाँ डर र त्रास सार्वजनिक गर्दैछ। त्यस्ता हल्ला फैलाउने जनताको बिरूद्ध सरकार कस्तो कदम चाल्दैछ?
सरकारले विद्यमान कानूनमा आधारित व्यक्ति र समूह फैलाउने अफवाहहरू विरुद्ध कडा कारबाही गर्न गइरहेको छ। यस कार्यमा जेल वा भारी जरिवाना वा दुवै समावेश छन्।

के यो सत्य हो कि नेपाल कोरोना भाइरस प्रकोपको लागि तयार छैन किनकि यससँग पर्याप्त परीक्षण उपकरण र मानव संसाधन छैन?
सरकारले COVID-19 परीक्षणको प्रशासन विस्तार गर्न तयारी गरिरहेको छ। परीक्षणको लागि पहिलो प्राथमिकता वृद्ध व्यक्तिहरूलाई दिइनेछ, जो अन्य रोगका कारण भाइरसबाट कमजोर हुन्छन्, र स्वास्थ्यकर्मीहरू संक्रमित हुन सक्छन्। सरकारले NPHL मा कम्तिमा २०,००० नमूनाहरुको परीक्षणको तयारी शुरु गरिसकेको छ। यसैगरी सरकारले वीर अस्पताल, ढुकलीखेल अस्पताल र बीपीमा कोभिड १ testing परीक्षणको लागि आवश्यक तयारी सुरु गरेको छ। धरानमा स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान कोइराला संस्थान।

कतार सरकारले सबै नेपाली आप्रवासी कामदारहरूलाई नेपाल पठाउँदा के हुन्छ? के नेपालसँग million० लाखलाई परीक्षण गर्ने र क्वारेन्टाइन गर्ने क्षमता छ?
समाचार स्रोतका अनुसार कतार सरकारले १ rules० जना नेपाली आप्रवासी कामदारलाई सरकारी नियम र कानूनको उल्लंघन गरेको आरोपमा फिर्ता पठाएको थियो। त्यसरी नै त्यस भन्दा अघिका २ 250 जनालाई पक्राउ गरिएको थियो र फिर्ता पठाइएको थियो किनभने दाबी गरियो कि तिनीहरू कतारमा भीडमा उपस्थित थिए। कतार सरकारले 400  नेपाली आप्रवासी कामदारलाई आज भोलि फिर्ता पठाएको छ। त्यहाँ कुनै प्रमाण छैन कि कतारले सबै आप्रवासी कामदारहरूलाई देश निकाला गइरहेको छ।

अर्थमन्त्रीले नेपालमा रोजगारीका अवसरहरुको उल्लेख गरे। के सरकारले बेरोजगारलाई रोजगारी प्रदान गरिरहेको छ? यसका बारे म अधिक जानकारी कहाँ पाउन सक्छु?
सरकारले व्यक्तिलाई रोजगार प्रदान गर्दछ जो कोरोना भाइरसको प्रकोपको कारणले फोरगिन रोजगार लिन असमर्थ छन्। यो रोजगार डेस्क कार्य होइन तर ज्याला प्रधानमन्त्री रोजगार कार्यक्रम मार्फत काम गर्दछ।

For more details :

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Universities and SEE exam has been Postponted - पोखरा युनिभर्सिटीको (internal)इन्तेर्नल एक्सम नभै बोर्ड(Board) एक्सम हुन सक्नी सम्भावना ।

 Universities and SEE exam has been Postponted - Online Khabar

  एसइई सँगै सबै परीक्षा स्थगित भएको छ.

Ishor Pokherel
Appel about Corono virus from Minister of Education - SEE Exams and Universities Exam
Government has postponded the exam of all School , collages and universities. To became safe from corona Virus and exam are going to stop for 1 months.
Different collages are stopping their collage. TU has also posponded its exam.
PU has not published its notice till todays date. 
As we all know that precaution is better than cure .  So everyone should be aware about this virus and make other aware about it.

Till today different cases about Conoro Virus

Corono virus cases = 2,08,202

Death by this Virus = 8272 people

Recovered from this virus = 82902 people

Monday, March 9, 2020

होलीको नाममा केटीहरूको स्तन छुने केटाहरू पक्राऊ - with Video

होलीको नाममा केटीहरूको छाती छुने केटाहरू पक्राऊ भिडियोको साथ .

केटाहरू  पक्राऊ

Video  link :  WATCH VIDEO

आज रंगका ठूला चाड़हरू हुन्। होली प्रकृतिको कायाकल्प र आनन्द र शान्तिमय सहवासको नवीकरणको खुशीको उत्सव हो।
यो र color्गको उत्सव रंगको स्प्रि fromबाट शुरू हुन्छ, मीठो खाना खादै, मन्दिरको भ्रमण गर्नुहोस् र आशिष्‌हरू पाउनुहोस्।
आज चितवनमा केटाहरूले होलीको नाममा केटीहरूको छाती छोए। केटीहरूले पुलिसमा खबर गरेपछि केटाहरू पक्रिए।
यो हाम्रो समाजमा भइरहेको एक असामाजिक गतिविधि हो। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति यस बारे सचेत हुनुपर्दछ। महिला र केटीहरूले सचेत हुनुपर्दछ।

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Holi -The festivals of Colour

Importance of Holi.

Holi : Festivals of Colour
Year : 2020

Holi is known as the festival of different colours . Holi is a joyous celebration of the rejuvenation of nature , and renewed hope of happiness and peaceful coexistence . People throw coloured water and powders (gulal and kumkum) at each other and make merry-singing and dancing add to the gaiety of the occasion. The exuberant display of colors symbolizes the advantages of a colorful and prosperous spring season.

Importance of Colors and Holi Festival.

This colour celebration begins from spraying colours , eating sweet, visit the temple and end up with blessings. This festival shows the importance of colours in our life. It reflects the mind of people how the life of an individual should be with colours. The colours without life are meaningless.

What are the Different colours used in Holi Festival ?

The holi powder are also known as "gulai powders" that produces negative effects on the whole body especially for skin. The main colours used in Holi Festivals are :

  • Green
  • Black
  • Purple
  • silver
  • red.    
The most of the colors are a mixture of synthelic materials that are harmful to Human . This synthetic materials is the composition of mercury sulphide, lead oxide,  aluminum bromide and copper sulphate.