Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Corona Virus Lockdown : Why PM Modi requested his citizen to download Aarogya Setu app

Aarogya Setu app 

Aarogya Setu app is a newly launched app in India to prevent the spread of the Coronovirus pandemic in India.
Aarogya Setu app tracks through a Bluetooth and location generated social graph and interaction with someone who could have tested COVID-19 positive. In the app, user will be alerted if someone you have come in close proximity of even unknowingly , tests COVID-19 positive. The app alerts are accompanied by instruction on how to self -isolate and what to do in case you develop symptoms that may need help and supports. With the help of this app . a person can save his family as well as people around him and can fight against COVID-19. Guildlines are given in the app which directly helps people.
This is the much required app in situation like this epic pandemic outbreak. The app quick in performance and super light in size. By using this app , if  someone has symptoms of corona and he/she see this app is showing in danger. Application is on good scale and a great effort overall, however if a map can be incorporated along with hotspot location and real time information about the same would be more helpful. Also sharing contact information or a weblink for emergency services would be better.
The app would be great if it shows place which is being contaminated.

App Information:

Version : 1.0.5

Downloads : 10 millions +

Size : 2.79 MB

Offered by : NIC eGov Mobile Apps

Released on : 11 Apr 2020

This app works using GPS , location , Bluetooth and internet.

ASUR free download

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